Brimbank Circular Economy Innovations Precinct

For brimbank city council

Reground conducted a two-stage project to successfully transition Sunshine and St Albans Activity Centres to more circular models.


Brimbank City Council engaged Reground to enlist circular economy waste principles and practices in Sunshine and St Alban’s business precinct. Reground conducted a two-stage project to successfully shift Sunshine and St Albans Activity Centres to more circular models. The project improved amenities while increasing resource recovery and reduced waste to landfill. Reground identified key opportunities for local businesses to move away from linear waste practices and increase understanding of best waste practices and community needs.

In the first stage of the project, Reground conducted on the ground research including community consultation to identify the challenges faced by the Sunshine and St Albans business communities, and produced a comprehensive roadmap for change. 


Reground engaged with on the ground stakeholders, worked with traders, business associations, and council staff to identify, understand, and address the current system used by stakeholders, and produce a roadmap, informed by the communities’ needs transitioning them to the new circular system. 

This project was largely data-driven. Reground conducted waste audits to generate waste profiles and creating a detailed picture of waste in Sunshine and St Albans Activity Centres.


Reground is currently conducting the second stage of the project by implementing the recommendations from the roadmap. The first phase of implementation is establishing local resource recovery hubs with 5+ streams of recycling along with waste avoidance education for traders. 

By seeking out and implementing recommendations on increasing circulatory in waste, Brimbank Council is leading the way in facilitating sustainability in businesses.


Smart and sustainable waste management at East Brunswick Village


Waste Behaviour Change at Trek Bicycles Australia